The Word Of The Office Supervisor


In The Name of ALLAH Most Gracious Most Merciful

 And, prayers and peace be upon our Prophet Muhammad and his family and companions altogether, and after that

Based on the new University System, King Abdulaziz University,is a public academic institution with a financially and administratively independent legal personality that contributes to the implementation of the Country’s general policy in accordance with the provisions of the system and does not aim for profit “Article number Three of the new University System”

Financial Sustainability aims for the University, to be able to continue in achieving its mission in the long term by optimal investment of its resources and in-kind and intellectual assets and its development programs through diversifying its income resources - allocating or investing some of its facilities and services and working on efficient spending.

From this standpoint, the Financial Sustainability Office is keen to be the house of expertise in influencing and interacting positively with the changes and transformations at the financial and economic level in the University, to achieve structural reforms that keep pace with the requirements of developing its financial resources and achieving efficient spending.

The Financial Sustainability Office is keen to provide initiatives to develop the university's resources and interact with external challenges by developing plans to achieve the university’s financial balance, and setting up a medium and long-term financial planning mechanism for financial sustainability and achieving a balanced budget.

It also seeks to raise the quality of financial planning and direct the plan to advance to the phase of achieving financial sustainability, and to contribute in making investment decisions, taking into consideration, the environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors for economic project or activities and the use of sustainable resources

We ask ALLAH to assist us serving this great scientific edifice, achieving its ambitions and aspirations, and achieving the aspirations and vision of the Kingdom 2030.

The Office Supervisor

Prof. Isam Yahia Alfilali

Last Update
2/7/2023 12:38:12 PM