The two Forums about Financial Sustainability

In order for the outputs of the investment environment development workshop not to be just a document, this forum was organized under the title "Financial Sustainability at King Abdulaziz University in the light of the new university system" on 2/12/2020 AD. This forum aims to draw a road map for the main features of financial sustainability in the University. through two working sessions:

First Session:

  • Sources of the current and expected financial University's capacity from within.
  • Aspects of the University's current financial capacity from outside it.
  • The challenges of achieving Financial Sustainability for the University.

Second Session:

Applying the business model in the expected sources of internal financial capacity of the University, in the trend of (teaching, learning, research and development, community development, utilities, digital infrastructure, health services, major and strategic projects), which specifies the following for each investment opportunity:

  1. Customer segment
  2. Proposed values
  3. Communication channels
  4. Customer relations
  5. Sources of revenue
  6. The main resources
  7. The main activities
  8. Major partnerships
  9. Expenses structure.


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  • As a continuation of the previous activities, the University held the second financial sustainability forum on March 16, 2021.

    First Session: Determining the specific objectives of the three work scopes of the plan:

    1. The first work scope KPA1 (the Sustainability of Financial Resources).
    2. The second work scope KPA2 (the Rational Governance).
    3. The third work scope KPA3 (the Regulations and Legislation).

    Second Session: The quartet environmental analysis for each of the objectives set in the first session

      Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris Paris

    Last Update
    2/2/2023 12:23:09 PM